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React Js Interview Questions .md file
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- Ganesh Negi
What is ReactJs?
Explain the MVC architecture?
Explain the building blocks of React?
Explain props and state in React with differences?
What is virtual DOM in React?
What is JSX?
What are components and their type in React?
How do browsers read JSX?
Explain the steps to create a react application and print Hello World?
How to create an event in React?
Explain the creation of a List in react?
What is a key in React?
How to write a comment in React?
Explain the difference between React and Angular?
Explain the use of render method in React?
What is state in React?
Explain props in React?
What is higher-order component in React?
Explain the difference between functional and class component in React?
Explain one way data binding in React?
What is Context API in React?
What is the role of shouldComponentUpdate() in React?
What is the use of dangerouslySetInnerHTML in React?
What are Pure Components in React?
What is the significance of setState() in React?
Explain the lifecycle methods of components
Explain the methods used in mounting phase of components
What is the use of ref in React?
What are hooks in React?
What is React Fragments?
What is prop drilling and its disadvantages?
What is context API ?
Optimization technique in React Js ?
What is react-redux , flow of react-redux and their benefits ?
How can we combine multiple reducers in React?
Explain CORS in React?
What is the difference between createRef and useRef in React?
How does React handle concurrency?
How does React handle server-side rendering (SSR)?
What is the significance of useEffect cleanup function?
What is the purpose of the useImperativeHandle hook?