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React Js Interview Questions .md file

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    Ganesh Negi
  • What is ReactJs?

  • Explain the MVC architecture?

  • Explain the building blocks of React?

  • Explain props and state in React with differences?

  • What is virtual DOM in React?

  • What is JSX?

  • What are components and their type in React?

  • How do browsers read JSX?

  • Explain the steps to create a react application and print Hello World?

  • How to create an event in React?

  • Explain the creation of a List in react?

  • What is a key in React?

  • How to write a comment in React?

  • Explain the difference between React and Angular?

  • Explain the use of render method in React?

  • What is state in React?

  • Explain props in React?

  • What is higher-order component in React?

  • Explain the difference between functional and class component in React?

  • Explain one way data binding in React?

  • What is Context API in React?

  • What is the role of shouldComponentUpdate() in React?

  • What is the use of dangerouslySetInnerHTML in React?

  • What are Pure Components in React?

  • What is the significance of setState() in React?

  • Explain the lifecycle methods of components

  • Explain the methods used in mounting phase of components

  • What is the use of ref in React?

  • What are hooks in React?

  • What is React Fragments?

  • What is prop drilling and its disadvantages?

  • What is context API ?

  • Optimization technique in React Js ?

  • What is react-redux , flow of react-redux and their benefits ?

  • How can we combine multiple reducers in React?

  • Explain CORS in React?

  • What is the difference between createRef and useRef in React?

  • How does React handle concurrency?

  • How does React handle server-side rendering (SSR)?

  • What is the significance of useEffect cleanup function?

  • What is the purpose of the useImperativeHandle hook?