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MongoDB Sharding .md file

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    Ganesh Negi


Sharding helps you to improve the performance,scalability and availablity of database applications.

What is the composition of ObjectID ?

ObjectID is composed of a timestamp, client machine ID,client process ID, and a 3-byte incremented counter.

What are the indexes in MongoDB ?

Indexes in MongoDB improve query performance

It enables the database to quickly locate documents based on the indexed fields.

Code Blocks

db.collection.createIndex({ "age": 1 });  // age_1

db.collection.createdIndex({ "age" : 1, "gender" :1 }) // age_1_gender_1


First one code will create age index and age: 1 means it will index with ascending order, if we write -1 then it will do it descending order

Second code will create mulitple index with age and gender