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Nodejs Advance Interview Questions file

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    Ganesh Negi

Advance Interview Questions List

  1. Event-Driven Programming Paradigm in Node.js

  2. Non-Blocking I/O in Node.js

  3. Callback Functions, Promises, and async/await

  4. Clustering in Node.js

  5. Handling Child Processes in Node.js

  6. Avoiding Callback Hell in Node.js

  7. Popular Frameworks and Libraries in Node.js

  8. Scaling a Node.js Application for High Traffic Loads

  9. Common Performance Bottlenecks in Node.js Applications and Mitigation

  10. Microservices Architecture in Node.js Development

  11. Implementing Authentication and Authorization in a Node.js Microservices Architecture

  12. Understanding GraphQL and its Comparison with RESTful APIs in Node.js

  13. Concept of WebSockets and their Use in Node.js Applications

  14. Implementing Real-Time Communication between Clients and Servers in Node.js

  15. Best Practices for Logging in a Node.js Application

  16. Deploying a Node.js Application in a Containerized Environment using Docker

  17. Handling Long-Running Tasks in a Node.js Application without Blocking the Event Loop

  18. Security Vulnerabilities in Node.js Applications and Mitigation

  19. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) in Node.js Development