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MongoDB Interview Questions .md file

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    Ganesh Negi

Interview Questions in MongoDB

Basic Questions

What is MongoDB, and how does it differ from SQL databases?

What are the advantages of using MongoDB?

Explain the structure of a document in MongoDB.

What is a collection in MongoDB?

What is BSON in MongoDB?

How do you insert a document into a MongoDB collection?

How do you update a document in MongoDB?

How do you delete a document in MongoDB?

How do you retrieve data from a MongoDB collection?

What are indexes in MongoDB?

Intermediate Level Questions

What is the difference between MongoDB and MySQL?

Explain the different types of indexes in MongoDB.

What is aggregation in MongoDB?

Explain the difference between match,match, group, and $project in aggregation.

What is the purpose of $lookup in aggregation?

What are embedded documents in MongoDB?

What is sharding in MongoDB?

How does replication work in MongoDB?

What is the role of the primary and secondary nodes in replication?

Explain the difference between capped collections and regular collections.

3-4 years of Experience Questions

How does MongoDB handle transactions?

Explain the working of the WiredTiger storage engine.

What is the purpose of the ObjectId in MongoDB?

How does MongoDB handle concurrency control?

What is the difference between set,set, unset, push,andpush, and pull operators?

What is the difference between findOneAndUpdate() and updateOne()?

What is a TTL index in MongoDB?

How can you optimize performance in MongoDB?

What are schema validation rules in MongoDB?

Explain how GridFS works in MongoDB.